Apr 17, 2008, 09:55 PM // 21:55
Hall Hero
Join Date: Aug 2005
Profession: E/
Originally Posted by Turtle222
VQ? Dungeons?
Main Entry: 1most
Pronunciation: \ˈmōst\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mǣst; akin to Old High German meist most, Old English māra more — more at more
Date: before 12th century
1 : greatest in quantity, extent, or degree <the most ability>
2 : the majority of <most people>
VQ you have to complete the entire zone (so nobody will be zoining until the very end of the run). Dungeons only have portals at the end of the levels (and none at the last level, so you won't get screwed out of your reward chest droped)